Computer-Aided Dispatch System
An Integrated Approach To Public Safety
ID Dispatch Topics
Product Highlights
While there are hundreds upon hundreds of features that help to set ID Networks CAD system apart, this short list below is just a few of the reasons why our customers have said that the ID Networks CAD system is the best system they have ever purchased:
- It has the most powerful command line interface available, by far.
- Our unit recommendation capabilities are incredibly flexible.
- Our mapping integration is second to none and based entirely on industry standards.
- It comes standards with hundreds of automation capabilities.
- It includes an extremely easy to use custom report builder.
- Our unit and event status monitors are very user friendly.
- Our product comes standard with our home grown automatic updater that allows you deploy applications, map, and file updates with zero effort or downtime.
- Our new call entry screens are incredibly customizable, even down to the dispatcher level.
- We have dozens upon dozens of custom interfaces available to help save time for all parties involved.
- ID Dispatch is certified to with all 3 major EMD providers.
- Our system has numerous incredibly powerful searches
- Even though our system is incredibly powerful, it is easy to learn and very user friendly.
- You can have as many different environments as you want (i.e. — training, testing, production, etc.).
- Our product comes standard with its own archiving feature to help keep our system performance optimal no matter how many years you use it.
Advanced Mapping
One of the key things that sets ID Networks system apart from so many of the competitors is the fact that we’ve designed and built our system different than so many of the legacy vendors. We designed our system not to need a geofile (a traditional database of addresses, locations, intersections, road ranges). Instead, we decided to base our location verification engine entirely off of your maps. By doing so, we’re managed to create a product that is easier to us, easier to maintain, and much more powerful since we can use nearly any of your GIS layers to do amazing things to help first responders.
Some of our customers have created their own sex offender layers so that they can easily plot where any may live in relation to a child who may have gone missing. Or to show them where the closest hydrants are and what their flow rates are. We can configure your maps to let you search your business names, your address points, your street centerlines, your parcel layers, your subdivisions, your landing zones, your mile markers, your parks, or any other layer or location that you may need to easily and quickly identify.
Quite simply put, we believe that we have more powerful, map centric features than any other CAD system out there. And it comes standard with the product! There is no additional charge. Your entire system will be based off of your maps, and can be configured any number of hundreds of different ways. You can even display NOAA weather radars and alerts right from within your CAD system.
In the ever changing world of public safety software, ID Networks has come developed dozen of interfaces to many of the industry’s leading software providers.
These interfaces all come standard with the product at no additional charge:
- ANI/ALI spill support for every major 9-1-1 system.
- State/ NCIC Interface.
- Faxing
- Paging
- TrafficLand Cameras
- Several dispatch notification systems (IAmResponding, Active 9-1-1, edispatchers, etc.)
These are just some of our optional Interfaces that are available:
- Many different Fire Records Management systems.
- Many different Patient Care Reporting systems.
- Several Fire Station Alerting systems.
- Multiple alarm monitoring systems.
- Many different Police Records Management Systems.
One of the reasons why ID Networks can make so many different interfaces, and yet do so at such an affordable price point, is because our entire system is predicated on well known and open standards. We even interface our own products using standards like NIEM that are very reusable and well documented. We don’t believe in doing proprietary interfaces that cost a lot of money and that are expensive and difficult to maintain. By adhering the various national standards, our product can easily be adapted to nearly any number of products or needs, with minimal effort and costs.