Mug Shot Imaging and Photo Line Ups
Capture high quality, NIST standard photos
ID Livescan Key Features
Product Highlights
The ImageNet system captures inmate photos, scars, marks, and tattoos. These images are then classified and integrated into booking arrest records. The images can also be collected and shared with other arresting agencies or jails. The built-in Investigative Imaging software allows detectives from multiple law enforcement agencies to produce lineups from existing local image databases or through use of the wide-area network, centralized remote imaging databases. It provides for acquisition of photos of suspects, arrestees, juveniles and visitors to the facility. A built-in security system offers investigative privacy of the lineups. In addition, ImageNet™ investigative imaging can be used in general purpose procedures such as the enrollment of employees and furnishes custom display and printing of each lineup, photo array report, and composition report for the prosecutor, supporting arrest procedures. A Flexible, Scalable Solution to Image TasksImageNet™ demonstrates the new functionality, the impressive power of digital imaging technology. Additional features of the advanced imaging process include:
- Performance of captured images with the ability to take full advantage of classification and cataloging processes.
- Integration with narratives through embedded word processing and spell check. This effectively meets the vital need to link associated text, reports, and data records with images.
- The capability to communicate and share – via networks and the Internet.
- Management tools that allow you to fully leverage the valuable performance and productivity features of the ImageNet™ System. These features include a multitude of software screens, product photos, and images as well as cosmetic enhancements like a huge variety of high definition color.
Sample Screen Shots
Here are some sample screen shots of just a few of our favorite features in our Mugshot system.