Jail Management System
House and Track Inmates with Ease
ID Jail Topics
Product Highlights
Primary JMS Functions:
- System Security
- System Administration
- Intake, Booking, & Release
- Inmate Services
- Jail Operations, Tracking, & Control
- Jail Administration, Statistics, & Reporting
- Master Indexes
- Online Inquires & Reports
These primary functions above serve as the basis for our standard Jail Management System. DataNet™ JMS consists of 20+ applications and integrates well with ID Networks products and other products on the market. It is a versatile, windows based interface, with scalable databases for smallest to the largest of agencies.
Images and Livescan Fingerprinting
Each system will directly integrate with our Records of Arrest System or universally import data from any records of arrest system, in order to reduce typing for the booking officers. After information is entered into the JMS Booking System, the information can automatically be exported to our photo imaging system or live scan 10-print system, thereby eliminating additional typing required within these systems. We also provide a universal export of the JMS data, in order to interface with other photo imaging systems or live scan systems.
IDJail is compliant with all FBI NCIC and ANSI-NIST data guidelines. In addition, it contains medical screening information compliant with recommendations from NCCHC, and also contains procedures and information compliant with standard guidelines from NIC for objective classification. FBI Type 2 data record compliance is also built into every criminal incarceration for export to any FBI EFTS compliant electronic live scan system.
Sample Screen Shots
Here are some sample screen shots of just a few of our favorite features in our Jail Management System.